Dams 7-10 on the Brandywine are owned, or partially owned, by the Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation.
Dams 8, 9 and 10 are located on the grounds of the Hagley Museum and Library. Dam 7 is located adjacent to Breck’s Mill. The dams are located within the Brandywine Powder Mills National Historic Landmarks District. (Cultural Resource Survey Number N00339). The buildings, landscapes, cultural features, archaeological resources and dams within it are of the highest historic significance and worthy of preservation.
These dams will not be removed due to their historic significance and importance to the educational mission of the Hagley Museum and Library. Instead, alternative solutions to enable fish passage will be developed as part of a Feasibility Study being planned by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in partnership with the Hagley Museum and Library.
Dam 10
Known as Eleutherian Mills Dam, Dam 10 was initially constructed in 1803 as a descending ramp, straight, stone apron dam with plank decking. Dam 10 is the original dam built by E. I. du Pont, the founder of the DuPont Company, during the establishment of his original gunpowder manufactory at Eleutherian Mills.